Called by Christ: Lessons from the Life of Peter
Called by Christ is a 12-week in-depth study of the life of Peter. In this study you will learn of Peter's calling, follow his life as he interacts with Jesus, then observe a profoundly changed Peter as he serves and lives for God after Jesus’ return to heaven. By studying the life of Peter you will discover what it means to be a true follower of Christ. To read an excerpt of this book go to the Books page.
Click here to download the .pdf version of an excerpt from Called By Christ
Click here to download the .pdf version of the Leader's Guide for Called By Christ
* If you are with a church or tax exempt organization contact Dana at 210-414-8235 or email to place a tax free order.
Used by God:
Lessons Learned from Women of the Old Testament
Used by God is an in-depth, practical, Bible study of the lives of various women in the Old Testament who were used by God to accomplish His will on this earth. The study participant will learn how God values women and that He continues to use women today. Hannah, Sarah, Ruth, Naomi, and Esther are included in this study.
Click here to download the .pdf version of an excerpt from Used By God
Click here to download the .pdf version of the Leader's Guide for Used By God
* If you are with a church or tax exempt organization contact Dana at 210-414-8235 or email to place a tax free order.
Author Dana Grubb examines women of the Bible whose lives Jesus changed and shows the relevance of Christ’s work in your life today. Changed by Jesus will help you relate to these women as you increase your understanding of God’s Word, and grow closer in your relationship with Jesus.
Changed by Jesus is now available for purchase.
Have you ever felt like an outcast, or struggled with trials, illness, or disease? Do you battle with sin, or feel your life is a mess? Are you overcome with grief, do you need meaningful change in your life? Maybe you are desperate for encouragement, for someone to understand you.
Changed by Jesus is an in-depth Bible study of the women Jesus encountered and how their lives were forever changed. Revisit the stories of the woman at the well, Mary, the mother of Jesus, the woman caught in adultery, Mary Magdalene, and others. While looking deeper into the lives of these women, you will witness how Jesus transforms lives through compassion, love, mercy, and power.
Author Dana Grubb introduces women of yesterday and shows the relevance of Christ’s work on your life today. Changed by Jesus will help you relate to these women, grow in your understanding of God’s Word, and grow closer in your relationship with Jesus. Through these ten weeks of study, you will encounter anew the truth, “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.” (Hebrews 13:8)
Changed by Jesus includes 10 chapters with each chapter divided into 5 days in order to help you stay in the Word throughout your week. The women included in the study are the Woman at the Well, Mary, mother of Jesus, Woman Caught in Adultery, Mary of Bethany, Widow of Nain and the Crippled Woman, the Bleeding Woman, Mary Magdalene, Salome, mother of James and John, Martha, and Today's Woman.
Click here to download the .pdf version of an excerpt from Changed By Jesus
Click here to download the .pdf version of the Leader's Guide
Endorsements for Changed by Jesus:
"Changed by Jesus is not just another study of female biblical characters. Through historical research and literary talent, Dana has a way of drawing you into the mind and world of each of these women. You learn how their lives were transformed by their Savior and how He can powerfully change our lives, as well. Very thought provoking for new students as well as seasoned Bible scholars.”
P Ebrom, Bulverde Church of Christ, Bulverde TX
"Changed by Jesus changed my life. I've led many Bible studies for
women over the years, but this one was different. This study, focused on
Jesus' interaction with women, helped me to see not only myself in a
different light, but also to see other women in a different light. I will
continue to encourage women to go through this study as they grow closer to
their Lord and Savior.”
Stephanie Blakeslee, Women's Ministry Coordinator, Community Bible Church, San Antonio, TX
"Dana Grubb has a gift for bringing a face to the stories we read in the New Testament. She has a beautiful way to read between the lines of Scripture and make applications to our daily lives. This study will be a blessing to any and all who are willing to be changed by Jesus."
Russ Bartee, Altamesa Church of Christ, Ft. Worth, TX